Travel packing for blokes

Fellas, this is the closest you’ll come to thinking like a woman, so listen up. There’s a message from the airlines: ”We don’t like weight!” Particularly on international flights. If you are flying to a single destination, in a warm climate for just a couple of weeks, packing should not be a challenge. However, if […]

Dear Bali…..

I love you. We first met 38 years ago and I instantly fell in love. You were in fact my first international love; the first place I travelled to outside Australia. I was immediately captivated by your natural beauty, the warmth of your people and (at that time) your innocence. My love for you has […]

Magic Carpet Ride

We often hear of lottery winners and retirees taking that “Big Trip” and I wonder how that is for them if they choose 5-Star options? Do they travel for travels sake, undertake “tick box” tourism, is their travel focused or themed, or just a general “see what we find”? A few disclosures, then jump on […]

A week in Paris ….

…. is not enough. But a week we had and we made the most of it. We stayed in an apartment in the 11th arrondisement.  This area is away from the main tourist areas and for us, was perfect. The location meant we could do some shopping and cooking for ourselves and enjoy eating in restaurants […]

Older and Wiser