Retirement Hobbies – Furniture Restoration

There’s no greater time in a retired couple’s life than when their partner is out from underfoot, doing a project. While everyone thinks they know what retirement will be like, the truth is, no matter how many trips you take, or how many bucket list books you get through, there’s still plenty of hours in […]

That Time I Got my First Pair of Orthopaedic Shoes

My grandmother, long gone, was the best person I ever met. She taught me so much. Every day I miss her and thank her for everything she gave me, except, my feet. I remember looking at her gnarly feet thinking, phew, I’m so glad I don’t have those size 11, high-arched, narrow-ankled, wide-balled, hammer-toed clodhoppers. […]

The New, and Very Old Treatment for Diabetic Wounds

Falling down that Facebook scroll rabbit hole, I came across a story about some maxillofacial surgeons who came face to face with a superbug.  Their patients developed deep (and growing) infections in their facial tissue and none of the modern anti-biotics could stop these wounds from worsening.  In desperation, they turned to a traditional method […]

Older and Wiser