
Your retirement wardrobe – fashion for women over 60

Creating your retirement wardrobe is essential to your feeling good about yourself.  When you no longer have a business role, you can use your retirement clothing to make a statement about who you are in this new time of your life. It’s time to reinvent yourself! These days there are so manyu wonderful fashions for […]

Dear Bali…..

I love you. We first met 38 years ago and I instantly fell in love. You were in fact my first international love; the first place I travelled to outside Australia. I was immediately captivated by your natural beauty, the warmth of your people and (at that time) your innocence. My love for you has […]

Magic Carpet Ride

We often hear of lottery winners and retirees taking that “Big Trip” and I wonder how that is for them if they choose 5-Star options? Do they travel for travels sake, undertake “tick box” tourism, is their travel focused or themed, or just a general “see what we find”? A few disclosures, then jump on […]

Stand up for your consumer rights; know them and how to exercise them

Yes you do have consumer rights. Unfortunately, Australia has regressed from strong consumer laws passed in the 1970’s. However, take heart, you still have power. Hopefully this post provides some insights into dealing effectively with well-founded, significant consumer complaints of any dollar value.  One of the first considerations when following through with a consumer complaint […]

Volunteering – a noble aspiration!

One of the things regularly recommended for retirees is to take up a voluntary role. Indeed, volunteering can be a great way to keep connected and maintain our self-worth. Many of us will have done volunteer work throughout our lives through involvement in long standing service groups, e.g. Lions, bodies associated with our children’s school […]

Older and Wiser